If you are a high school or homeschool student who wants to earn college credit while still in school, our Early College programs will be of interest to you. These college-credit bearing courses satisfy high school graduation requirements as well as give you credit that can be used at Great Bay and colleges/universities nationwide. All of these programs offer substantial tuition discounts which can save you thousands of dollars while giving you a head start on your college education.
Early College at Your High School
(formerly Running Start)
These are college courses, taught by high school professors, on YOUR high school campus. College faculty work directly with high school faculty to ensure that the courses taught in participating schools maintain standards identical to those of sections taught on the college campus. Successful completion earns you both high school and college credit. Check with your guidance counselor to see which courses are offered at your location and when registration begins.
Cost per course: $150.00
Chelsie Jean
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 603-427-7635
Early College on a College Campus
Early College on a College Campus is a dual enrollment program at Great Bay where New Hampshire high school students can take college courses for both college and high school credit. These courses are college courses, taught by GBCC professors, on the GBCC campus or online. The earned college credits not only satisfy your high school requirements for graduation but may be applied towards a degree at Great Bay or possibly transferred to another college or university.
Jenna Anand
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 603-427-7771
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, most high schools will apply your Early College credits to your high school graduation requirements, but you should check with your school counselor to be sure.
Yes, so it is important to understand that what Great Bay offers could be different from another NH community college.
Both Early College at the High School and Early College at Great Bay provide opportunities to earn college credits. Early College at the High School is taught by high school instructors at high schools. Early College courses at Great Bay are taught by college professors on the Great Bay campus, providing access to Great Bay labs and equipment.
NH students in their sophomore, junior or senior years are eligible to take Early College courses. Most Early College students are juniors or seniors. Meet with your school counselor to discuss whether you are ready to try an Early College Course.
Yes. Please contact Chelsie Jean, Great Bay Early College Coordinator. Contact her via email or phone (603) 427-7635 and schedule an appointment to learn more about Early College and register for classes.
NH sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to take Early College classes at a significant discount. The cost for any courses offered in your high school is $150. The cost for any courses taken on campus is 50% of the cost of tuition. Most Early College students will qualify for scholarship funds to cover two classes per year—for free, check with the Early College Coordinator for scholarship eligibility!
As a high school student, you are not eligible for financial aid. However, there are scholarships available to students with financial need. Contact the Early College Coordinator to learn more.
If you are completing an Early College course at your high school, you will register for the course at your high school. If you want to sign up for an Early College course on Great Bay campus, contact Jenna Anand, Great Bay’s Early College Coordinator, to set up an appointment to learn more about Early College and register for classes.
(603) 427-7771
[email protected]
Once you have registered for a college course, you are a college student and may enjoy the rights and privileges associated with this status. Among other things, you may get a Student ID, access student support services and utilize the library. Upon course completion, you may request an official transcript.
Most courses at Great Bay are available to Early College students. Students must meet the prerequisite to register for classes.
Every NH high school student is eligible for Great Bay Early College, and we are not capping enrollment at this time. However, Early College students need to register no earlier than four weeks prior to the start of the semester. Early College students must register before the semester starts.
Pending enrollment, Great Bay cannot guarantee space in any of the listed courses and waitlists may apply. We will, however, do everything we can to avoid such a scenario.
Your Early College record is part of your official Great Bay Community College transcript. As long as you successfully complete the course, and it is required of the degree program in which you enroll, you will already have completed a course toward your degree.
You should contact the Early College Coordinator with any questions. Free tutoring is available in our Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS) located on the second floor.
Please note: To qualify for Early College, students must be a high school junior or senior and at least 16 years old. The cost per class is 50% of the tuition and is due at time of registration – lab fees apply for some courses. Students are also expected to pay for their own books and/or materials. Students are required to meet with their high school guidance counselor to discuss their interest in the Early College program. Students are also required to meet with a Great Bay representative who will make sure the Early College registration is complete and students are signed up for the correct course.
For various reasons, sometimes a student has to drop a class. If this happens to you, visit the Registrar’s Office and fill out an official drop form. Don’t just stop attending. The consequence of disappearing from a class without doing an official drop is an “F” on your transcript. Don’t let this happen to you. Be sure to review the Registration Policies and Deadlines sheet given to you at time of registration.